Blaming the Nectarpot he’s black

Why would anyone do that? Kazandu Nectarpot is obviously green! There is no reason why one could ever call it black. Unless… Kazandu Nectarpot was one of the cards that interested me a lot when opening my Zendikar Rising Bundle. The card itself is not that special – gaining a life when a land comesContinue reading “Blaming the Nectarpot he’s black”

Break the cycle

The card selected for this week’s entry seems pretty innocuous. Maybe even… bad. Sure, it returns a creature or a land from graveyard to your hand for a colourless and a black. It’s even a sorcery. Kind of “Mweh”. Why bother playing this card? But wait? It doesn’t say “Choose one”, but “Choose one orContinue reading “Break the cycle”

Turning metal into gold

Let me tell you a little secret about Magic: drawing cards is good. Every new card you draw presents you with new options. You might draw an answer for that annoying fattie of one of your opponents. Maybe you draw a threat yourself, maybe you draw that land you didn’t draw earlier. Most deck areContinue reading “Turning metal into gold”

Hell’s Legion

Remember that time I wanted to build a deck around Assemble the Legion? And that I was thinking about building it around Hellrider and spells that made you attack multiple times a turn? And that it was only last time I posted a deck? I still wanted to write about it, because it is quiteContinue reading “Hell’s Legion”

Soldiers assemble!

Some cards demand certain cards to be played with. Fetchlands with shock duals in Modern for example. It’s not really a combo, but they work very well together. Or the classic Survival of the Fittest/Recurring Nightmare combo. Once you’ve seen the synergy of those cards, you cannot unsee it. Not all cards have that. InContinue reading “Soldiers assemble!”

Harnessing Dryad Sligh

When I play Magic, I like to do things, make an impact on the board. Playing spells, laying down creatures, develop my mana. I don’t want to sit around and wait for someone else to do something, so I can respond to that. And because I like to do stuff during the games I play,Continue reading “Harnessing Dryad Sligh”